5150 Star Army 2nd Tour
It's not a job, it's an adventure!
"Yeah right, whatever. Okay, listen up kid. I'm not going to sugar-coat it for you. The Star Army is hell. You're the first to arrive and the last to leave. What do you really do? Well let me tell you son..."
Simply put you're a Platoon Leader trying to keep your men alive while completing your missions. Make that you're trying to complete your mission and if your men stay alive that's even better. You're the tip of the Gaea Prime spear and your enemies are many. The Empire is hungry and growing and that means you're always at war. As a Star Army Platoon Leader you'll be fighting other humanoids, alien races and things that don't fit into either class. Their faces may change but the enemy is still the enemy and you have a job to do.
So go do it soldier!
5150 Star Army is a man to man skirmish game where one figure equals one man, alien, or vehicle. Start off with a squad and soon you'll be playing platoons and companies. Playable solo, same-side with everyone against the game mechanics or head to head against your friends. Includes a player friendly campaign system. Rules cover infantry, vehicles, Bugs, and much more.
You don't even feel the bumps anymore, too many jumps for that. Damn, the soldiers are getting younger and younger or maybe you're just getting older? The green light flashes and you run your final check. All's good and you brace for touchdown. Bam! The door drops and your squad piles out immediately coming under fire. The last thing you remember is...
It's not a job, it's an adventure!
5150: STAR ARMY is about military combat. It's a game about soldiers, tanks, platoons, strafing runs, artillery barrages, hordes of Bugs and much more. Now off to war soldier!
5150: Star Army replaces the older version called 5150
This set of rules is supplied in a downloadable PDF. At your check out, you will be given instructions on how to download the PDF. Please contact us if you have any problems or questions!